I need to blog more

Soon I will not have a job so I must spend more time writing, researching and blogging. Also working on music.

On March 5th I discovered Chelsea Wolfe on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49MYJkEazIg This is the first song I heard by her. I especially love the last few seconds. OMG GORGEOUS! Soon I will get to see her and I can’t wait. I also got to meet Behemoth at a signing and they signed 3 posters and i took pictures with them and talked to Orion and Nergal about Chelsea Wolfe.

Autism moms warrior blogs

Autism moms warrior blogs.


Seriously. I think non-autistic people think autistic people DON’T have feelings so you don’t have to respect their privacy or be careful not to post private stuff they will read. And why are autistic obsessions so bad? Why isn’t there more, OK, let’s do something PRACTICAL if we going to drag a kid to a social event who has trouble with sounds and smells instead of just going MY AUTISTIC CHILD RUINS EVERYTHING or AUTISM RUINS EVERYTHING LIKE A DEMON RUNNING AROUND ALL DEMONY.


Don’t do that!

Autism is About Adaptation or What is Up with that PROM Obsession?

I keep getting into arguments with people who insist vaccines caused their child’s autism. Usually they pine about proms which I find extremely rankling as every prom I ever been to I was forced to go. I wanted to stay home and listen to Mozart and do my own thing, but no, instead I was forced to wear a dress, which I hated, uncomfortable stockings and listen to loud, obnoxious music.

People have this bizarre concept of normal and things people have to do to be considered normal I just can’t understand.

Like they falsely claim autistic people have no empathy, but they refuse to have empathy or theory of mind for autistic people. If children have meltdowns when it comes to noise or overwhelming smells there’s practical ways to deal with this. Simple things like earphones or earplugs can help, or even going to social events when they’re quieter. The narrative does not have to be “Autism robbed me of my child and a normal life!”

As I am not sure normal exists. This is an interesting counter to this attitude https://autloveaccept.wordpress.com/2015/07/06/165/ The autistic perspective counts. Autism isn’t a bad thing that happens to families, but something to work with and understand. Perhaps even a non-autistic child won’t want to go to the prom. Or maybe an autistic child might be able to. Maybe they might need earplugs or to only stay for 20 minutes. This isn’t Berk before Hiccup tame dragons, you know. You don’t have to force your child to be like everyone else and then call it healthy. It’s not healthy for autistic people and can lead to a lot of stress and burn out.

Autism Hate is Deeply Depressing

It’s also miserable to read if you’re autistic.

Contrary to popular believe, autistic people DO have feelings and emotions. So reading about how you’re a disaster or a Holocaust who lacks a soul is enough to drive a person to drinking.

It’s just there’s no point to hating who you are whether you’re female or black or transgender or anything at all really. You are whatever it is that you are and this isn’t a horrible way to be unless you’re going around killing and tormenting people and making the world a much more difficult place.

Blaming vaccines or vilifying autism as some child stealing entity does nothing to help autistic people and only means more torment with miracle mineral solution enemas, dull diets and torturous ABA. It does nothing to turn an autistic person into a normal that doesn’t exist.

It really only adds more misery to the world, and who needs that? But to change the hearts and minds of people is extremely difficult.

I don’t think they understand that just because someone isn’t making eye contact or speaking and not responding doesn’t mean they can’t hear, feel and understand every word you’re saying.

It’s amazing just how much hatred there is of autistic people and autism. It’s ruining the world, but I’m not sure what to do about it. The loudest voices are those of hate and fear. Robert Kennedy Jr. said autism is robbing 20 million people of their lives.

I’d say the hatred is robbing people of their lives. Robbing families of acceptance and support that would actually work and bring out the best in autistic people from non-verbal to verbal.

People are Using MMS On their Autistic Children and It’s a Bleach

Kerri Rivera and Jim Humble will swear up and down that MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution isn’t bleach. They will tell you it will cure your child’s autism, or cure AIDS or tuberculosis.

Do not listen to them. These people are vile and evil. Why they are allowed to walk around in this world and do such horrible things is a mystery to me. Why aren’t they in jail?

This stuff is actually chlorine dioxide. It will burn your insides and make you ill. To use it on a non-verbal autistic child, to force them to ingest it and use it as an enema should be illegal. It’s torture. It makes these kids defaecate their own intestinal lining.

It’s not going to do anything to cure your autistic child. Autism doesn’t have a cure. What’s needed is realizing that no, your child hasn’t been stolen and replaced by a changeling. Your real child is right there and needs your support and understanding. They can understand everything you say and they know how you feel about them. They are crushed with your negativity and suffering from being tortured by this horrible and useless substance!

Why people like Autism Speaks don’t try harder to quash this is a mystery to me. They have more power and influence than I do. Something has to be done to get this substance off the market and people peddling it directly to prison.

If you know of a parent doing this to a child, speak out and report it to an authority because this can and will kill a child if it’s allowed to continue.

Ugh. April

Which means Autism Awareness Month. Which is more me trying to debunk rumours and exaggerations about autism. And me having to put up with the vaccine dead horse. And there’s also Autism Speaks to consider. They are saying wear blue and light it up blue tomorrow.

I am saying not to. Because Autism Speaks is actually a hate group that doesn’t listen to autistic people. http://goldenheartedrose.tumblr.com/post/89338501188/autism-speaks-masterpost-new-updated-6-20-14 Just look how much they deeply suck.

Autism Speaks, Will You Please Shut Up and Listen to Autistic People?

You’ve probably seen ads with sad slow piano music, listing statistics such as the chance of your child being a famous musician or a car racer. The chances are not very good. But the chance of your child being diagnosed with autism? 1 in 100 or 1 in 68? I’m not sure where they get these statistics but they’re designed to scare the beejeesus out of parents.

For ten years Autism Speaks has been scaring parents into thinking autism is the most terrifying thing ever. To them it’s as bad as cancer, AIDS, causes parents to divorce, devours your money, steals your child’s soul, causes parents to want to drive off a cliff with their autistic child.

This isn’t even close to the case, but they have the power to buy these scary, ominous ads or to have people like Alfonso Cuarón direct I am Autism, a video that portrays autism as some evil horrible thing that will destroy everything. Here is the entire poem. https://divided-by-discourse.wikispaces.com/I+Am+Autism+Transcript (Notice how this poem leaves out autistic people, because what do their feelings about autism matter?)

How does this help? Many autistic people see autism as something that is a part of them. When you portray it as a soul destroying demon of some sort it’s sending a message that being autistic is the worse thing ever. You already have parents using MMS, an industrial bleach in the hopes of destroying their child’s autism. But, instead it is destroying their intestines since they are forced to ingest it or have it inserted into their rectums. Children are forced to endure painful skin shocks at the JRC.

This nonsense is making people fear autism so much that less people are vaccinating, which means diseases like measles are coming back. Is autism really worse than dying of measles?

None of these folks even try to understand that when an autistic child is melting down in public it’s usually due to stress from nose, bright lights, smells. Most autistic people’s senses are tuned up to levels non-autistic people’s senses aren’t. So sounds you can ignore could be driving your child insane. Imagine listening to nails on a chalkboard for hours. It would be hell, wouldn’t it? This is how it’s like for most autistic children. Being overwhelmed by noises, smells and other sensory input. This is why a lot of autistic kids meltdown. No amount of ABA will help because it’s not a behaviour thing.

There are practical ways to help autistic children. Simple things like earplugs and sunglasses can help make things a lot easier. Warning a child several weeks before a big event can help avoid meltdowns. Preparing children for things like parties and events with practice can ease a lot of stress. And taking the child home when they are worn out from being social, or letting them have a quiet place to decompress. Even letting an autistic child stim instead of trying to stop them would do wonders.

But instead of offering practice solutions and simply listening to autistic people talk about how to cope, Autism Speaks would rather sell you doom and despair and then take the money you give them and spend most of it on more doom and despair and their salaries. Only 4% actually goes to the community. There’s so many things they could do with their money instead of promoting fear! Jobs for autistic adults, programs to help autistic adults help autistic kids.

But who gets to speak to the Pope? Not autistic people, Autism Speaks! They’re even ruining Grey’s Anatomy with their nonsense.

They need less power. The power should go to autistic people. The key to understanding autism isn’t in mice or rats or even genes, it’s listening to autistic people. Empowering non-verbal people with ways to communicate even if it’s not speech. The key is to realize, maybe we have been mislead about autism and need to learn more about it and learn not to fear it.

I Hate People First Language

I hate people first language. I hate when I’m talking about some autistic issue such as the Judge Rotenberg Center shocking children or how just because a person is non-verbal doesn’t mean they aren’t intelligent and someone interrupts to say, “Don’t say autistic person or autistic, say person or people with autism.”

Just don’t!

Don’t tell an autistic person what they can and can’t call themselves. It’s fine if you want to say you’re a person with autism but to me it sounds clunky. It does nothing to affirm the personhood of autistic people. Autism Speaks is fond of such language and I am NOT fond of them or their attitude about autism or autistic people.

Obviously person first language is not helping them to realize that autistic people are thinking, feeling human beings, so acting as if they break up families won’t crush their souls if they don’t have them, right?


I prefer autistic person because my autism is a part of me. So is my blackness. So is being a woman. Folks would not say I am a person with blackness or a person with womanness. It implies that somehow autism is a bad thing that must be separated from me even though how I view the world is through the lens of autism.

Though challenging the attitudes about autism and how people think about it is another huge challenge.

I am sorry to the people who like 50 shades but

This whole trend confuses me more than when I was a kid and people would eat such stinky candy. Everyone enjoyed these 10 cents worth of smelly sour power green string things.

Only thing was those smelly candies weren’t full of concepts that just ruin society. i don’t get it.

What is so attractive about Christian Grey?

And yes, I haven’t read the book. I read two chapter by chapter reviews of the first one and thought, how is this romantic?  How is this not terrifying? How the HELL is a guy like Christian Grey attractive when he’s my WORSE NIGHTMARE?!

A threatening man who stalks you, never takes no for an answer. Waves aside every boundary you try to put up. This just sounds like an episode of Law and Order SVU. And Benson would come in and beat the crap out of this guy, or Stabler would if he were still on the show. Or Criminal Minds where Reid and Morgan, who are WAY better men than Christian Grey would brandish a gun at the guy and lecture him about not stalking people.

Hotch would just talk to him all cool and deep and maybe shoot him. This shit isn’t romantic! Am I the crazy one here?

I really also hate the whole notion of, he’s broken, but I can fix him. No, you’re better off getting an old Victorian house full of ghosts. You’d be better off going to the haunted house in American Horror Story and fixing that up! At least you’d have cool stained glass windows and about 40 ghosts to talk to. Maybe you’d be a ghost too.

You will never fix a man who doesn’t want to be fixed or a woman.  You’re better off getting a bear from the woods and trying to turn him into a lap dog! I’d rather do that!

Stop romanticizing abusers and abusive behaviour! It’s not sexy. It’s not appealing. I don’t care if it’s a billionair buying me cars and computers I will not put up with such nonsense.

Also, one could say but it’s BDSM. But I know enough about that to know it’s based on trust and mutual consent. It’s not just all about what the dominate wants with the desires of the submissive being brushed aside.

I’m not anti-kink or erotica but I really have a hard time seeing someone controlling and scary as erotic.

I seriously need to start blogging more!

Especially in April when it’s Autism Misinformation Month and I will have to spend the entire month LECTURING people while Autism Speaks just sits there and spouts out more inaccuracies and everyone listens to everyone except autistic people.

And I have to not wear my favourite colour on purpose too.

How unfun.

But yes, I do not blog enough. I wish there was more time to write, practice piano, nerd and just play.